Thursday, March 1, 2007

Must See TV

Amazingly, I'm not talking about WILL-TV's "rerun" of my dear husband Tim's documentary "10 Sisters" Mar. 11. (Although that, of course, is "must watch" for you poor souls who were unable to catch the premiere in February. )

No. This "must watch" is tonight. My favorite blogger - PeaceBang - whose "Beauty Tips for Ministers" is so much fun, is going to be featured on Nightline tonight. It's sort of a shame that Ted Koepel isn't still the anchor, because I think he could do with some of her tart but tender advice about his terrible haircut.

Her stated goal for the blog is to "defrumpify" the clergy. It is a goal which I endorse, even if I'm as frumpy as most any reverend around at times. (At least I don't wear sweatshirts to Presbytery. Anymore.)

So if you stay up late enough for Nightline.
And if you know what channel it is on.
(ABC - simple, before cable and dishes and all)
And if you are at all interested in "meeting" someone I admire from a distance.
Tune in and tell me what you think.


  1. How disappointing! I'm guessing the tornado story took over the segment where PeachBang would have been! I was looking forward to seeing her and hope you will let us know when it is rescheduled.
    "Nightline" certainly makes 6:30A.M. Lenten Prayer time feel more like a sacrifice!

  2. Since I'm reading this on Mar 2, obviously I've missed it. My computer was not making connections last night for some reason. It's nice to have more company along our road. This road to the cross is more interesting this way. Are we supposed to be having fun? on the way to the cross??? Frumpy ministers don't wear red heels in the pulpit, even those who have "come out".

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. As for fun . . . It does sound a little un-Lenten doesn't it? But if coming clean about our failures and imperfections and seeing Christ's great love in spite of it all doesn't make us laugh (just out of embarrassment and relief) - there's something wrong somewhere.
    Maybe that's not fun.
    But it's not bad.

  5. The word is that PeaceBang's segment will be Mar. 2 - tonight. I'll be watching and hoping that no more REAL news messes things up.
    Our prayers today can be for those poor people whose lives and homes and routines got blown away yesterday.
    I'll never forget when we were living in Topeka, the second time. Chris was in kindergarten. I was in Lawrence, waiting for an evening class (gradual school, you know). I heard that a tornado had hit in Topeka at the intersection of 21st and Fairlawn. We lived 2 blocks away from there. Driving back into the dark town - all the power was off - no traffic signals, etc. - flashing police cars the only light - it was scary. Luckily, everyone was fine at my house, and all over town. Just a bad scare. Those people down south have alot more than that to deal with.

  6. Now that I'm more wide awake, I realize I complained about a segment being replaced when so many folks had their lives totally upset--or lost! sorry.
    Certainly added them to the morning prayer list!
