Saturday, August 18, 2007

Prayer Request

Will you pray that a gift arrives safely, please?
The Presbytery Treasurer let me know yesterday that our gift - money to buy a van - is being wired to the school in Palestine today. Getting money into this area of the world is very difficult. The Israeli government blocks many attempts by individuals AND CHURCHES to send aid into the West Bank.
The Presby. national mission office seems to think this will work, so we can hope that it will all go smoothly. But there is a possibility that it won't.
So please pray that, somehow, the check goes through and these kids can start school with a nice van to get them around. Thank you.


  1. Would it be possible to sent a sympathy card to the man who lost his brother? Or, do you think he would prefer not to have you share his name and address? I that is the case, perhaps we could bring the card to you to pass along....
    So sad. What a waste.

    On a more upbeat note, how did you find out about the school in Palestine that needed a bus???

  2. I don't know about the sympathy card. Let me think, OK?
    Now, about the bus . . .
    There is a minister (Lutheran) from this area who is now serving there, and he sends a monthly newsletter. That's how I heard of the need for the van.
    If you'd like to know more, I have a little brochure about it, and a powerpoint presentation (you must have been gone that Sunday :( ) or . . . I'll talk about it at the drop of a hat.
