Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Text for Sunday, Sept. 2

The Gospel is Luke 14:1, 7-14
In it, Jesus has advice for hosts and guests at dinner parties. The guests are advised to sit in a less "prestigious" chair rather than grabbing a place of honor. Then the host can say to them, "Friend, come up higher!"
Interestingly enough, the week after our Rural Life Sunday celebration, I opened the evening paper to find that one of our members was honored at the Farm Progress Show, with the Abraham Lincoln National Agriculture Award.
Jim Evans was one of five people so honored - the others being Denny Hastart, former US Ag. Secretary John Block, etc. etc. Big name company.
So . . . in church on Sunday we celebrated Rural Life and farmers, without even knowing that in the third pew back on the north side of the sanctuary we had a person who was honored for his contributions to agriculture at a very high level. Amazing.
I don't know anyone else in all of creation who would have been able to keep quiet if they had been awarded a big prize like that. Jim is amazing.

p.s. If you scroll down to picture below, Jim is 2nd from the left, in the bucket hat. Do you suppose he got a new stovepipe hat, as an Abe Lincoln Award winner?

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