Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Who is my neighbor?

This is our theme for Rally Day - Who is My Neighbor: Windows on the World
Which means, I think, that I have to preach on the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37).
My concern is that we've heard that text twice within the last 6 months.
It was Youth Sunday this spring, and it was the text for Connie Bandy's sermon in July.
I like it and all. And I don't think texts (especially Jesus' stories!) ever get "squeezed dry" of meaning. I'm sure there's more in there. I just worry that when everybody hears the story (AGAIN?) they'll turn off their hearing aids. What do you think?
The actual lectionary texts are great this week. Philemon. Luke 14:25-33 (counting the cost of discipleship) and Jeremiah 18:1-11 (God is the potter, we are the clay). Hard to resist any or all of those, but I don't see Neighbors with Windows there. Maybe I'll ponder some more. I don't really have to have the hymns picked til tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. OK. How about this? What if you tied that one scripture about the cost of discipleship with the one about "go out into the world, making disciples of all..." Inviting people to church and/or talking about your faith is a lot tougher for Presbyterians than it evidently is for the Mormons and the J.W.s that go door to door! And actually, they turn me off. But there must be a happy medium...right??? (Good Luck!)
