Monday, June 23, 2008

General Assembly

Greetings from California, everyone!
Guess what! One morning, a sea-lion woke me up in Monterey!
The trip up from LA was fabulous.
General Assembly is an incredible experience.
Opening worship was wonderful yesterday. Out going moderator Joan Gray preached on "The Impossible Commandment" - Jesus command that his followers should love one another as Christ loves us. It was really good. She asked "How did Jesus love us?" She said, for one thing, that he put on flesh and came where we are, breathed the same air. And Jesus loved the unlovable. She was funny, talking about the unlovable - or at least the less likable - among us. It set a good tone for all of us here. The partisanship is pretty incredible.
Please keep praying for us.

My first full day of committee work is ahead. Last night we met for the first time, to learn the rules and get acquainted. There are almost 70 people on the committee. Most of us - including me! - are just there to listen. I hope we can keep that in mind.

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