Thursday, October 16, 2008

Considering lilies

'Just finished the bulletin for Philo (we're having a guest preacher Sunday) and sent off my stuff for Tolono.
The current economic news has gotten me thinking about my favorite scripture - the lilies of the field and the birds of the air. I got out a sermon I preached on that text a long time ago and decided I'd like to preach it again. It feels good to get to use a sermon a second time. At least if you loved writing it and preaching it the first time, it does.
It feels like finding another occasion to wear your prom dress or something. You know?
The first time was so fun, but you felt a tiny bit guilty for having something so expensive you were only going to wear once. And now . . . you can wear it again, so it was only half as expensive as you thought. (I calculate clothing costs per wearing, do you?) Guilt is relieved retroactively, which makes remembering the original occasion even more enjoyable than it was the first time around. It's just all good.
Of course, even in that thrifty and beautiful gown, you still are not arrayed as spectacularly as the lilies of the field. Still. God provides.

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