Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Prayer for Thursday morning

Good morning, dears!

Here is the prayer for tomorrow morning:

O Lord, open my lips. And my mouth shall proclaim your praise.

Loving God, as the rising sun chases away the night, so you have scattered the power of death in the rising of Jesus Christ, and you bring us all blessings in him. Especially we than you for
the community of faith in our church . . .
those which whom we work or share common concerns . . .
the diversity of your children . . .
indications of your love at work in the world. . .
those who work for reconciliation . . . .
Mighty God, with the dawn of your love you reveal your victory over all that would destroy or harm, and you bright5en the lives of all who need you. Especially we pray for
families suffering separation . . .
people different from ourselves. . . .
those isolated by sickness or sorrow . . .
the victims of violence or warfare . . .
the church in the Pacific region . . .

O God, you are the well-spring of life.
Pour into our hearts the living water of your grace,
that we may be refreshed to live this day in joy,
confident of your presence
and empowered by your peace,
in Jesus Christ our Lord.

The Lord's Prayer
May the God of hope fill us with all joy and peace
through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Bless the Lord.
The Lord's name be praised.

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